Teacher Development: Website: Buoyancy Website: Learning 4 Kids: FLOATING AND SINKING SCIENCE ACTIVITY
Teacher Development: Student Development: All About Simple Machines: Types and Functions Website: Study Jams: Forces and Motion- Simple Machines
Teacher Development: Website: CAR AND ROAD SAFETY FOR EDUCATORS Literacy Connections: Humpty Dumpty Nursery Rhyme Standards Correlation: Florida SC.K.N.1.5- Recognize that learning can come from careful observation. SC.K.P.12.1- Investigate that objects move in different ways, such as fast, slow, et
Teacher Development: Article: Animal Habitat Lessons for Kindergarten Student Development: Website: Animal Habitats for Kids
Teacher Development: Article: When Play Equipment is Too Hot Too Handle
Teacher Development: 4 Simple Experiments to Introduce Kids to Physics
Teacher Development: Website: Science for Kids- Engineering for Kids
Teacher Development: Student Development: